When I first learned about manifesting in Tap into Your True Self, I pondered for days to come up with something I wanted. Each time an idea came to mind I realized it was actually for someone else! That’s when I knew I wanted to take the Women’s Intuition class and learn to understand my own creative energy better. Now my own desires are rising up to the surface much more easily and big changes have been manifesting in response to that. Just months ago the idea of moving out of the city for a quiet place in the country was a buried dream that felt as remote as winning the lottery, and here I am doing just that. Taking these classes has been empowering and so much fun. Before, I would always go with the flow, conform, and brace for what’s coming next. Now I feel better equipped to direct my own path because I see myself more clearly.
-Sarah, Tap Into Your True Self
I decided, soon after taking the "Tap Into Your True Self" class, that I will continue my spiritual journey. Each session has taught me a tool (or two) on how to heal myself and others on a spiritual level. I’ve been fortunate enough to have met people that are in a similar place in their life. My particular class has been meeting out of class to exchange healings. It’s one thing being in class and learning tools, it’s another experience to practice on our own. Each healing session (in and out of class) has been different, each session has surprised me. There is one particular out of class session I had with a classmate that I remember so vividly. As I was healing her Aura around her 5th Chakra, I had this strong vision of white beings running away from me. They felt like female energy in their 20s that were just having a party in her Aura. I contemplated whether to join the party with them or clear them out of her space. Well, they were eventually blasted off. Later on, healing her 5th chakra, I sensed a black being hiding behind her neck on her left side. This being is not dark nor was it a negative energy. It was just dodging me while I was trying to blast them off. It was like playing laser tag with a being. After our healing session, we usually give each other feedback. She validated that there was another healer that sensed this being in the same place. I had another experience of healing a relative. She has been having sciatic nerve pain for a week now. I finally was able to give her a healing. After the session we exchanged feedback and she was brought to tears. She felt me so strongly in her presence, despite the fact that we lived in different states. She didn’t watch me while I was performing healing and yet she felt me working and grounding her pain on her leg. She had told me, before the healing, her pain level was 9.5-10 and it had dissipated and was at 1-1.5 level. I didn’t completely heal her but she is more comfortable now than she was last week. If this is my calling, to help heal, then so be it. Now, about my Healing Master… the first time he connected to my hand chakra, I had such mixed emotions. For one, I felt so overwhelmed like I was about to explode. It was such an intense feeling that it did scare me a bit and I could not wait to disconnect. Judith later advised me to just communicate with him and ask him to turn it down. Working with him now has been effortless, now that I know what to expect and communicating with him has been easier. There have been times when I would ask him to “pump up the volume!” It feels so liberating to find a community that I can discuss my experiences with this journey so openly. After ending each class I often feel I need to learn more. Needless to say, I will be taking additional classes and continue progressing in my spiritual path. These classes have definitely helped raise my vibration. Whoever thought being so high can be so addictive? On to the next… -Tammee M Here’s a story about a lady, who was tired of dealing with $h!tty energy.
I’ve participated in group healings at another school, I’ve had reiki healing, and did my own practice of grounding and cord cutting. After a few years of contemplating whether to take classes or not, I finally took a leap of faith. I was tired of people in my life draining me of my energy. Psychic vampires are real, they walk amongst us in daylight. They eat garlic and love to lay out in the sun! Although they don’t shimmer in the sunlight(what a disappointment). Alas, enough was enough for me! I had to set boundaries and protect myself. I also needed a stronger way to cut cords and clear blockages. This class is just a stepping stone but has been one of the best decisions I’ve made in 2021. I’ve always known there was something more to life. Challenge is undoing the conditioning I grew up with and relearning things that came naturally as a child. Finding my voice, my true self, being a “free bird.” Cue in Lynyrd Skynyrd. - Student, Tap Into Your True Self |
San Jose Psychic InstituteWith awareness you can change energies, heal yourself and others, and create a life that is true for you. Archives
August 2023