Meditation for Men
This class concluded recently. It will launch again when six or more people are on the interest list. To put yourself on the interest list, send email to marc(at)ccsg(dot)church.
Contribution: $320. This Six-Week Class Is Open To All Men *Prerequisite: None. Previous experience with grounding and running energy will be helpful. This as an online class that you can access from any private place with an internet connection. Login information will be provided upon registration. Learn how to...
Hello, men.
Welcome to your inner world. In this class you will have the opportunity to discover the peace and solitude that lie within you. You can learn how your own male energy feels and how to provide your body with spiritual energy that keeps it healthy and enthused. You'll learn to spot foreign energy in and around you, and then move it out. You'll experience the difference between male and female energies. You will acquire spiritual tools and techniques you can use for the rest of your life.
How does your male body influence the kind of energy you can run, and the tools and techniques that work best for you? In this six-week class we’ll explore those questions, and learn ways to meditate that validate us as men. We’ll learn “male grounding,” how to find our own male energy (color, vibration, feel) and how to match other men even though each of our energies is individual and unique. We’ll begin to explore the differences between men and women, and validate women without matching them. We’ll replace competition with co-operation and relax in an environment that gives each of us permission to be our own man.
Dates and meeting day/time TBD based on group preference. This class launches when there are at least six men on the interest list. To put yourself on the interest list, send email to marc(at)ccsg(dot)church.
Plan to continue into "Meditation for Men, II."
Welcome to your inner world. In this class you will have the opportunity to discover the peace and solitude that lie within you. You can learn how your own male energy feels and how to provide your body with spiritual energy that keeps it healthy and enthused. You'll learn to spot foreign energy in and around you, and then move it out. You'll experience the difference between male and female energies. You will acquire spiritual tools and techniques you can use for the rest of your life.
How does your male body influence the kind of energy you can run, and the tools and techniques that work best for you? In this six-week class we’ll explore those questions, and learn ways to meditate that validate us as men. We’ll learn “male grounding,” how to find our own male energy (color, vibration, feel) and how to match other men even though each of our energies is individual and unique. We’ll begin to explore the differences between men and women, and validate women without matching them. We’ll replace competition with co-operation and relax in an environment that gives each of us permission to be our own man.
Dates and meeting day/time TBD based on group preference. This class launches when there are at least six men on the interest list. To put yourself on the interest list, send email to marc(at)ccsg(dot)church.
Plan to continue into "Meditation for Men, II."