Tap Into Own Your Miracle Essence
Tap into Your Miracle Essence
Sunday, Dec 10, 2023 1:00 - 4:00 pm Contribution: $70. This Is A Half Day Workshop That Is Open To All This Is An Easy To Use Online Class. Click on the link below and you are there. us06web.zoom.us/j/81563699500 |
A Half Day Workshop Where You Can Start To Engage With Your Original Miracle Essence
At this point in our human experience it is easy to have your sense of self convoluted by outside pressures. You may feel deflated by the competition in social media, or confused by news broadcasts and advertising media. Maybe you are being drained by the demands of your work and family? The good news is that none of these things are who you are as spirit. Welcome and enjoy tapping into your own divine miracle essence!
In this workshop you will learn how to:
- Ground - this is a basic yet the most essential spiritual tool that you can use for yourself
- Define exactly what your miracle essence is
- Begin to let yourself see and realize where you have already used this divine spark of yourself in the past
- Experience this vibration in your physical body thereby becoming a magnet for miracles to happen in your life
Click Here To Register For The
"Tap Into Your Miracle Essence" Half Day Workshop